Q: How do I stay up-to-date with the profession?

Q: How do I stay up-to-date with the profession?

Q: I don’t have time to read the library journals and I don’t have access to many of them. Can you recommend some online resources, that I can read for free, that will keep me informed and up-to-date with the profession?

SM & TA: Good question! With so many library-related blogs, on so many different topics, written by so many engaging and knowledgeable writers, it is surprisingly easy to keep up with the profession. You can find blogs and online newsletters (such as this one) that will keep you entertained and informed, as well as update you on library careers, technology, higher education, conferences and events, resources and tools, and much, much more. We have listed just a few that we (or our colleagues) read regularly.


ACRLBlog: http://www.acrlblog.org
“Blogging by and for academic and research librarians.”

Beyond the Job: http://librarycareers.blogspot.com
“Professional tips for librarians: Articles, job-hunting advice, professional development opportunities, and other news and ideas on how to further your library career.”

The Distance Education Librarian: http://distlib.blogs.com/distlib/
“Comments on the world of distance librarianship.”

The Kept-Up Academic Librarian: http://keptup.typepad.com/academic/
“Helping Academic Librarians ‘Keep Up’ With News and Developments in Higher Education.”

Librarian.net: http://librarian.net
Jessamyn West’s blog.

Librarian Central: http://librariancentral.blogspot.com
“Your official site for Google tips, news, and updates.”

LISNews: http://www.lisnews.org
“A collaborative weblog devoted to current events and news in the world of Library and Information Science.”

LISNews – This Week in LibraryBlogLand: http://twil.lisnews.org
A roundup of blog posts from around the library blogosphere from the previous week.

Resource Shelf: http://www.resourceshelf.com
“Where dedicated librarians and researchers share the results of their directed (and occasionally quirky) web searches for resources and information.”

The Shifted Librarian: http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com
Jenny Levine’s blog.

Stephen’s Lighthouse: http://stephenslighthouse.sirsidynix.com/
Stephen Abram’s blog.

Tame the Web: Libraries and Technology: http://tametheweb.com
Michael Stephens’ blog.


FreePint Newsletter: http://www.freepint.com/issues/
“FreePint is a global network of people who find, use, manage and share work-related information. Members receive this free twice- monthly newsletter, packed with tips, features and resources.”

Jinfo: http://www.jinfo.com/newsletter/
“The twice-monthly Jinfo Newsletter contains advice and tips from recruitment consultants and information professionals.”

MLS: Marketing Library Services: http://www.infotoday.com/MLS/
“MLS will provide information professionals in all types of libraries with specific ideas for marketing their services.”

Staying informed about the profession and current with new trends and resources will also help you when you’re looking for a job, or just looking to further your career. E-mail us at librarycareerpeople@lisjobs.com with your favorite library-related blog or newsletter, and we will list them in a future column. Enjoy your reading!